There are different spiritual gifts but the same Spirit;
and there are different ministries and the same Lord;
and there are different activities but the same God
who produces all of them in everyone.
1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Connect Virtually!
Damascus International Fellowship is committed to doing our part to keep our family, friends, and guests connected whether they choose to gather in-person or virtually.
We are offering some of our ministry gatherings on Zoom. To get connected, simply complete the pre-registration form and we will send you the link.
We are offering some of our ministry gatherings on Zoom. To get connected, simply complete the pre-registration form and we will send you the link.

On-Campus Ministries at Damascus
D.N.G. Student Ministry
The Damascus Next Generation Student Ministry welcomes all young people ages 2-22 to engage in intentional practices of spiritual formation where they can become mature, forever-followers of Jesus Christ.
M.M.O.V Men's Ministry
The mission of MMOV Men’s Ministry is to unite men of all ages in powerful, godly and transformational relationships and provide them with resources to develop honor, integrity, faith, commitment, and courage.
S.O.V. Women's Ministry
The Sisters of Virtue Women's Ministry seeks to foster inter-generational relationships among women by empowering them to model the truths of God’s Word. Our ministry is open to all members of Damascus International Fellowship ages 2-202!
S.A.G.E. Seniors Ministry
The SAGE Ministry exists to encourage and mobilize Damascus members of a mature age to live life to the fullest in relationship with God, the Damascus International Fellowship Family, and in service to the community.
Marriage Ministry
The Damascus Marriage Ministry is open to all married & engaged couples who are seek to strengthen their relationship with each other through a committed relationship with Jesus Christ.
Christian Education Ministry
Christian Education classes are open to all members and visitors to Damascus. We provide opportunities for people of all ages, at varying stages in their Christian walk to grow deeper in their knowledge of Jesus Christ through regular study of God's word!
Culinary Arts Ministry
Gathering together to share a meal was an important part of Jesus' earthly ministry! Recognizing the importance of food in building relationships, the Culinary Arts Ministry serves to support the ministries of Damascus by providing healthy meal options and service at special events and gatherings.
Equipping Ministries
The Equipping Ministries offers a 6 week workshop to help people identify and deploy their spiritual gifts for service. Coaching and Mentoring is also available for launching new ministries & God-sized ideas!
Health Ministry
The Damascus Compassionate Hands Health Ministry serves our congregation by providing timely health advisories and awareness about health conditions that impact the abundant life of our friends, family and community!
Media & Technology Ministry
From enhancing the worship experience during gatherings to reaching those beyond the walls of the Damascus Campus, the Media & Technology Team serves to make the gospel accessible while providing platforms for you to connect with your Damascus Family no matter where you are!
New Members
The New Members Ministry exists to support and walk alongside individuals and families who are in the process of considering calling Damascus International Fellowship their home!
Prayer Ministry
The purpose of the Damascus Prayer Ministry is to pray for and with individuals as prayer partners; to create an environment for prayer for our Damascus members and leaders as they continue to mature and develop into the body of Christ that God desires; and to pray for our community as we seek the peace and prosperity of our city.
Transportation Ministry
The Transportation Ministry supports the ministries of Damascus by assisting individuals in and around Seattle get to the Damascus Campus for worship service & special gatherings.
Usher's & Greeters Ministry
Our hospitality team serves to make your worship experience at Damascus International Fellowship "Loving & Lifting" as we welcome, greet, and serve you while Serving Christ!
Worship Ministry
The Worship Ministry exists to glorify God through the mediums of song, instruments, dance, and drama, and to create an environment where the hearts of men, women, and children are impacted for the cause of Jesus Christ.
Breath of Fresh Air Ministry
The Breath of Fresh Air Ministry is the teaching and preaching ministry of Pastor Broughton at Damascus. Through the BOFA Ministry, Pastor Broughton expounds on the word of God through weekly bible studies and sermons. Through the Breath of Fresh Air Ministry we are able to stream sermons live and broadcast on the radio (The Word 820AM).

Not Sure Where to Serve?

The Equipping Ministries
Get to know more about what makes you. . .YOU!
"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the [a]edifying of the body of Christ..."
(Ephesians 4:11-12)
(Ephesians 4:11-12)
If you're not sure where to serve, the Equipping Ministries is here for you!
The Equipping Ministries Team seeks to foster spiritual growth in individuals through the discerning, developing and deploying of their God-given gifts, talents, abilities, experiences and passions in service to the congregation and community. If you are looking for an opportunity to arise and serve, we encourage you to take part in the
SHAPE 2 SERVE gift based training workshop. This workshop is designed not only for new members, but also for existing members who are looking to begin, change,
or re-engage in serving based on their passions and gifts.
The Equipping Ministries Team seeks to foster spiritual growth in individuals through the discerning, developing and deploying of their God-given gifts, talents, abilities, experiences and passions in service to the congregation and community. If you are looking for an opportunity to arise and serve, we encourage you to take part in the
SHAPE 2 SERVE gift based training workshop. This workshop is designed not only for new members, but also for existing members who are looking to begin, change,
or re-engage in serving based on their passions and gifts.
Ministry Signup Form
Serving in ministry is an important part of building up the body of Christ. God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to serve. Choose which ministry you'd like to serve with below and we'll be in touch with you.